Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Stability Eternal Forest Nature Paya Around

Not merely the flooded forest. He is a unique ecosystem consisting instead of hydrology, soil and plants. HPG typically grow mangrove swamp forests after pesisiran coast, covering more area three kilometers (km) up to five km plateau sloping river.
The depth of peat, mostly composed than half decayed plant material (pereputan process completely terhad kerana asidik circumstances and lack of activities of micro-organisms) collected over 8.000 years, allowed the thickness of between eight to 20 meters
It provides a variety of marsh and forest perkhidmatan results, as is directly and indirectly, in the form of forestry and fishery products, escort, provisions of water and flood provisions source of groundwater
The water in the peat swamp is generally contain a high humus material. Raw humus peat swamp water to make war or black color. Because this is water over the peat swamp is often referred to as 'Black Water Gems'.
In short, it is important HPG kerana vastness of land and biological diversity. Over 60 peratus or 20 million hectares than the breadth of world's tropical peatlands located in Southeast Asia particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia.
In Malaysia, HPG includes nearly 75 peratus than the amount of land area covering damp area of approximately 1.6 million hectares. More than 80 peratus located in Sarawak.


Foster education and nasinalisme spirit to fight patriotisma interests of the nation above political interests are stunted and narrow and only sacrifice the interests of the nation. Education was trying his best to instill a sense of brotherhood, Equality, solidarity and togetherness compatriots living in the same boat, defending the State from all forms of oppression both physical and psychic, no matter whether it originates from persecution abroad and from within the country itself. Education leads to love any breeds bangsaagar assets maintained at all costs, to be utilized for the greatness and prosperity of the nation.
Education is essential to development because without the knowledge of a country will not progress. But the fact that not all the people of Indonesia can enjoy education as it should. Millions of children drop out of school, thousands of schools collapsed even evicted, education mafia is rampant, and millions of children who do not even go to school because their parents can not afford so afraid to send their children. What's going on with education in this country? Does the state have not set this problem? Or was it caused by officials who defected from the existing rules?
If we look at the history of education, we will discover how well educated in the Dutch colonial era, which some educated people willing to educate the masses by establishing schools of the people who actually banned by the Dutch East Indies government. Ki Hajar Dewantara As a student who founded the park on 3 July 1922, together with Dr. Dekker Douwer in Yogyakarta.
Ki Hajar Dewantara assume that the parent is not a colonial education of humanity because people always made dependent on the colonial government, and always fed the interests of colonial governments, so that this nation lost identity as an independent nation.Then there is also from the SI SI who founded the school in bandung 1921, by Tan Malaka took a teacher at the school then the school SI newborn was thriving until the school was banned by the government konolial.
Actually, since this country has didirikanya made rules about education, namely on Pancasila, the 1945 opening of paragraph 4 and Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution. In the fifth principle of Pancasila, which reads "social justice for all people of Indonesia" has explained that every citizen should Indonesia memeroleh education. While education is a way to achieve one goal of the nation's intellectual life as contained in the 1945 opening of the fourth paragraph In Article 31 UUD 1945 Paragraph 1 describes the rights of citizens to education. This verse means that citizens do not need the burden of education. But the fact is many Indonesian citizens who drop out of school. In paragraph 2 stated that the government must finance education. Is there done? In fact education is still a burden on society. Education in Indonesia has not entirely free
While paragraph 3 explained that the state education system conducted in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation. But whether the system is reformed repeatedly has achieved success? Talk system, an education researcher found that on average each primary school student from grade 3 to 6 in the past four months studying the books when weighed weighs 43 pounds. Imagine, if this is the intellectual system? That added expense for parents.
In paragraph 4 states that prioritize the state education budget of at least twenty percent of the state budget. Should be the number of such education in Indonesia may be more advanced than today. But the fact is there in every area of regional autonomy that has a policy to cut education subsidies.
Paragraph 5 explains that the government promote the science and technology with religious values and national unity. These verses mean that the education system will not break the unity of the nation. The reality is more complex system of government created actually lead to increases individuality. Imagine, every school is only required that the value of output figures for the school. Consequently each student busy with various types of tutoring or tutoring. On the other hand thousands of cases among students still tawuran coloring education in Indonesia. Is this union?
Discuss the problem - there are educational issues we should also think about the solution. Petama is realize that the education budget by 20% of the national budget. This budget anticipates the existence of fraud. Second, the government should collect taxes from the company - a private company to be allocated to education. Third, seharusnyapemerintah more vigorous and decisive for the rogue elements of the education mafia. Fourth, if the government was unable to intervene should the people in a way contributed to the implementation of education
A notice should state pandidikan problem. The government is not only watching with one eye only, so that education in Indonesia will get better and be able to stand in line with other countries.

Implementing Education, Human Resources and the Integrated Technology

It is the evidence, that a people who excel in the field of education and human resource development (HRD), also will always excel in a global competition. Furthermore, the economic growth of a nation based on human resources will be able to survive and sustainable in the long run, since HR is always renewable resources (renewable resources), which is different from the natural resources at the time
some will run out. Thus, the educational planning and human resource development, which is also associated with the mastery of technology, must be the most important part of national development planning.
It must be admitted, that our nation does not have an integrated planning in education, human resource development and mastery of technology, so slowly, our nation is left behind by the peoples of Asia, especially in Southeast Asia around the 1960s, the real parallel or even be in behind us. This lack of planning among them can be seen from the education budget is always a small amount in each budget preparation, curriculum-based education that is not community needs and competence, and lack of concern for technological innovation in research and development framework. Associated with technological innovation, this is a necessity, because we know that the transfer of technology from developed countries is a very rare and always complicated by a variety of reasons. :
1. Education and Human Resource Development
Education is not the process of making people become craftsmen, but a civilizing process through the planting of values. Furthermore, the values that have been obtained will be more efficient if after taking education, one is able to apply his knowledge in the form of real work. For this reason, education and our work can also call a process of constant cultivation. Education strategy we have developed is able to grasp the opportunities or needs in the community to maintain the momentum of economic growth accompanied by equity, we can no longer rely solely on capital factors. It has been proved that among the stagnation of economic development today is because we are too dependent to factor this capital.
When capital becomes scarce because of the crisis, the direct economic growth declined, especially people who are not equipped by sufficient skills, will become poor. Conversely, if economic growth is supported by HR and keunggulam adequate mastery of technology, then the crisis affecting our nation will have no impact so severe that it is today.
With a superior human resources is by itself will create the productivity of society as a whole is higher. This situation means that people will have enough purchasing power, because the previous revenue high enough. With sufficient purchasing power of this, it will still stimulate national production, especially when the industry is an industry developed that does not rely on imported raw materials. In other words, the growth momentum, although will be disturbed but will not be too long like this.
In a macro perspective, this means that human resources development is also an effort to maintain the growth momentum while pemerataan.Untuk get a superior HR and noble, we not only have to develop education at a higher level but just when the baby is still in the mother's stomach contents. Pregnant women health care, adequate nutrition fulfillment and guidance in the family and the leaders ketauladanan is the main condition to be moved to the next level of education. The next stage, then we set the type and level of education what should be developed so that the macro, national development can take place. Among the problems for this is lack of manpower we are skilled enough. This is generally caused because the portion of participants in the field of technical education, including in agriculture, is still far compared with the social field. And we know that the labor needed in the community, even more so in the era of globalization is having the skills to produce. Therefore, with no educational activities intended to minimize the social field, the technical education should get a portion of a sufficient number of participants. Thus the real strategy has been applied by countries that currently have developed and advanced in the Asian region.
Furthermore, who also became an important issue in education and human resource development is the wide gap between levels of education. now, on the one hand we have the skilled manpower is very low (low-skilled labor) and on the other side there is a very labor skilled even to S3 levels in sufficient quantities. Meanwhile the middle-skilled were little. This is because of our secondary education is still a bear, so have not been able to fill the market. work both inside and outside the country. That's why, no wonder if the TKI / TKW who were sent abroad to work mostly level housekeeper. Understanding this, the populist nationalists should be able to develop an educational system not only to increase the knowledge of the values but also in terms of superior human resource development.
Therefore, education must have a clear relevance to the needs of the community. Education in agricultural and marine communities, for example, must be more forward cultivation techniques, maintenance, arrest and process technology as well. Similarly, education should be developed in the forestry community, should be closely related to the conservation and utilization of forest products. And so on, so that the results of education can directly benefit the production process, in addition to those who have worked it would earn bias.
Vacancies at high skill levels required for this to expand vocational education (vocational education) which continues at the polytechnic. In addition, in order to face the globalization era, the foreign language education, especially English, should be compulsory subjects, so that every graduate education and vocational-technical secondary level are proficient in foreign languages. Thus, the qualifications of skilled workers produced would be absorbed by the market not only domestically but also abroad, an apparent bias to be a big source of foreign exchange!
2. Mastery of technology for National Independence
The industrial revolution in Europe is no other place for the discovery of steam engine technology, so the speed of production with good quality can occur many times over. of discovery, then accelerate the discovery efforts of other new technologies in various fields within the framework of competition between nations.

In other words, the more advanced a nation in the mastery of technology, the more advanced nations are also in general. Therefore, forward and decline of a nation depends on the mastery of technology. Mastery of technology becomes necessary if the Indonesian people to get up and independent. The process of mastering this technology is to be done in stages and is associated with the needs of most people.
However, the possibility did not we develop technology that is capital intensive technologies such as aerospace, shipping, automotive, electronics and semiconductors and the like, as long as it does not interfere with the allocation of economic resources for the people. For Indonesia the most rural communities in which means to wrestle in the agricultural and marine, the development of technology in this sector should be developed very seriously. Breeding technology, maintenance and technology or manufacturing processes, must be developed in various ways. With the mastery of technology in this sector, then the potential that had been buried immediately extracted, so the high economic value.
Thus, we no longer need to massively import goods for agricultural products such as this, because it is not appropriate for a fertile nation like Indonesia. Populist nationalists must resist an expert opinion, especially in collaboration with the State of the advanced industrial countries, the international division of labor that must be put developing countries like Indonesia is only responsible for providing raw materials and no need to develop the technology. Such opinion is what really has plunged our nation to ruin and current dependence. We know, that the value added of a technological process can be achieved not only in terms of decades, but also hundreds and even thousands of times. Our nation is now capable of making an aircraft that has about 70 thousand components. With this capability, certainly not a difficulty to make a product that is far below the number of components it. Let's say the car industry, because the car was only advanced consist of approximately 20 thousand components. So it is with motorcycles and other transport both land and sea.

If this can be met, then we no longer need to be flooded with imported goods which must have similar highly profitable state producers. Similarly, for agricultural tools and fishing obviously massively used by the people of Indonesia, we really do not need to massively import it if we are serious about developing these technologies.
With our increasing inability to create and develop the technology, then our nation itself will gradually released from dependence on industrial countries forward. Even at the next stage, not only are we able to let go of this dependence, but we will also be able to compete and stand next to these nations. This has been proved by clear by countries that have implemented this technology development strategy, particularly in the East Asia and some countries in Southeast Asia.