May 1998 peak of revolution is the overthrow of the Great General (ret) Soeharto, preceded by the occupation of Parliament House by the Indonesian students. However, the revolution is only the beginning of May 1998 from the first stage (first strage) pioneered the revolution of democracy student movement. The first stage of this democratic revolution is the demolition phase of the mass consciousness and students of the economic structure, political, social and cultural oppressive or exploitative. The process of formation of the first stage of this democratic revolution took place in the history of the new regime (some are marked "top" student resistance movement in 1974, 1987.1989, and 1998). Role adhoc opposition student movement is the historical role of the structurally imposed by the new regime is running a new type of fascism faasisme development (developmental Fascism). This becomes a permanent role in the history of the new regime because diberangusnya all formal opposition forces (the conditions of democracy is the role of political parties) and civil ditundukkannya masuarakat in corporatist-fasistis, or through open violence.
The role of this ad hoc opposition student movement re-executed under the regime of Abdurrahman Wahid as; First: total reform is not implemented by all the political institutions either legislative, executive and judiciary; second: there is no single political party who asserted the power of oppositional politics and fight for the implementation of total reform agenda without political compromise with the new regime; three: all political parties contesting in the election in 1999 (48 parties) is legitimator Act flawed elections Validating the existence of democracy because the TNI / police in the legislature (the parliament, DPRD I and DPRD II) and participation of the Functional Groups Party the election without legal liability for political crimes, economic and human rights throughout the 32-year New Order regime. Thus, all political parties defected to the total reform agenda and the democratic revolution, as a political collaborator new regime.
The first stage of this democratic revolution began in the overthrow of the Great General (ret) Suharto ended in implementing a total reform agenda. If the entire reform agenda the establishment of a total run of political demarcation democracy / political reform anti-demokrasi/anti total of total reform. Therefore the total reform agenda has not executed until the current regime of Abdurrahman Wahid, the movement runs continuously mahasiswapun adhoc his opposition. It can be noted by a number of "another peak" than in May 1998 (the occupation of the parliament and the overthrow of Suharto), November 1998 (Semanggi I, the rejection of the SI MPR), September 1999 (Semanggi II, Rejection of State Hazard Reduction Act), October 1999 ( rejection of Habibie and Wiranto), January 2001 to the present (the demand to the decline and dissolution of Abdurrahman Wahid of the Golkar Party and the courts).
In the time scale, can not be set when the first stage of democratic revolution, or the implementation of total reform agenda over. It is not possible, even berikutnyapun regime from a flawed electoral democracy in 1999, when Abdurrahman Wahid to resign, will not be able and willing to complete the first phase of the democratic revolution. But theoretically, the second stage (second stage) of the democratic revolution can be started when all of a total reform agenda has been started. This second phase is the demolition phase of the economic structure, political, social and cultural oppressive or exploitative. In keduainilah phase stabilization and democratic development run through the process of consolidation and deepening of democracy.
Does the student movement free of political interests? Of course not, because first and foremost the interests of the stands are the values (values) or value systems (system values) that are universal such as social justice, freedom, humanity, democracy and solidarity with the oppressed people. Therefore adhoc opposition student movement in Indonesia is a political movement values (movement of political values) and not a political movement of power (political power movement) which is the basic function of political parties.
Universal values are also living in a historical context of the student movement. Student movement in Indonesia to translate these values in the context of contemporary Indonesian politics in the form of a total reform agenda today include:
1. '45 Amendment to the constitution of democracy,2. Revocation of dual function of ABRI (TNI / police) or the elimination of the role of politics, business and territorial TNI / police.
3. Court actors throughout the Suharto government corruption, Habibie and Abdurrahman Wahid,
4. Court of human rights crimes during the government of Soeharto, Habibie and Abdurrahman Wahid.
5. decentralization as wide as possible,
6. labor and agricultural reforms.
Compared with the power of political movements that characterized the political parties, where the agenda setting and political targets as well as segregation and his political opponents as merely tactical and strategic matters to reinforce and strengthen his political position in the constellation of power now and in the future. So the value of political movements that characterized the student movement although agenda setting and conduct of political targets as well as segregation and his political opponents, but not to reinforce and strengthen his political position in the constellation of power. For example, when the student movement rejected the election days of 1999 the Habibie regime, more due to the calculation that the election was flawed democracy and reform. However, for the 48 political parties participating in election 1999, election is an opportunity to achieve and strengthen political or simply gain legal legitimacy for the existence of his party, even just getting a little office and a pinch of money.
Because standing as a political movement value, then the 2001 student movement generation smoothly now setting the agenda and goals of the new politics that avoids their traps and manipulation of elite interests and certain political parties. Through the battle of ideas is quite sharp between groups and student movements, now practically all elements of the student movement "together again" as a political movement score, defend and guard the democratic revolution to fight for total reform agenda which they all aspire hand in hand. Now, we all witnessed the power of synergy of ideas and students' movement 'united' fight for total reform agenda or six for reform agenda coupled with lower Abdurrahman Wahid, refused to increase fuel prices and groceries and makes learning a new order-Golkar party as a common enemy
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